Nos encanta invitar a nuestros #PájaraPintaBirds a crecer espiritual, mental y físicamente y ayudarlos a conectarse con la naturaleza y con ellos mismos. Aquí les compartimos algunas fotos de nuestras experiencias #FeedTheSoul.

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QUÉ? Clase de yoga virtual con @saltandlight_mp
DÓNDE? Historias de instagram @_pajarapinta
POR QUÉ? Fomentar el bienestar físico y mental de nuestros #PájaraPintaBirds durante la cuarentena por covid-19.


How did you get into yoga?

Mariana: If I'm super honest I don’t have a particular reason that made me jump into the journey of yoga; it came organically into my life. I’ve always been active and athletic, love sports and to move with my body. Everything involving not sitting down and using my hands, I’m in!
However, after graduating from school, I moved to Miami and lost track of my wellness journey until –thankfully- I ended up in Wynwood Yoga. I immediately fell in love with my actual teacher and became a member since. With the pass of the months I started noticing immense changes beyond the feel-good sensation physically.
It was an immense awareness of myself and my complete surrounding, specially my relation with people. It has also helped me find moments of solitude, silence and connection with my spirit. Moments that I use to pray, to reflect, to listen and to understand myself and what God wants for my life.


Do you have one quick exercise that helps you go through a difficult day or situation? 

Mariana: To sit down, close my eyes and BREATHE. Breathing is the vehicle to get us where we want in yoga, it is so important to help us stay in the present moment and connect with our body. It definitely helps me reset and release any feeling of discomfort that is making me stay in that difficult situation. 

Favorite book or podcast?

Mariana: Favorite reads - Cien años de Soledad, Gabriel García Márquez.

Best piece of advice for these rare times?

Mariana: Rare doesn’t mean bad. Unprecedented times like this one, are the perfect scenario for growth -to come into solitude and find the right sources to receive bountiful goodness!
I realize how a lot of people during these times don’t know what to do. I’ve been there. I have come to understand that the answer of what to do, when not knowing what to do is to KEEP DOING WHAT YOU’VE ALWAYS BEEN DOING. I mean, keep at it with that routine that makes your day brighter. It could be your self-love practice or any habit that support your growth as an individual. You have decided to do such things for a certain purpose. Every action has a purpose behind it even if we are not consciously aware of it.
Also, while you are doing you, pray and meditate towards what is it that you want to achieve, any goal, any change you want to see. The more you visualize it, the more you program it in your head, the clearer the path towards that will appear. Anything worth having comes easy. 

What does #ShiningFromWithin means to you?

Mariana: For me it is about being authentically your best self to others. It is to take your best and give your best and love with no limits, so people can absorb your goodness. However, everybody has areas to improve, and sometimes being you means showing your flaws. When they show up always be humble enough to acknowledge them and learn from them. The people that will really be part of your life will expand with who you are and others will contract.

What is your favorite Pájara Pinta Piece?

Mariana: Definitely not one but many! The new hats I’m dying for, favorite: the rainbow hat in black. And all the mochilas, but favorite: the kankuama gris <3


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